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We are an 


friendly group

made entirely

from recycled






We have recently

windsurfed, kayaked,walked Hadrians Wall

Go-karted, been clay pigeon shooting, gliding,

an activity weekend in the Lake District.

and much more

If you are over 50 with a sense of adventure and fun then why not join our Fifty Plus Adventure Club. We mainly cover Northamptonshire and surrounding areas and have over 100 members of all abilities , you do not have to be fit, (many of us are not!!) just prepared to have a go.
We run a full programme of events throughout the year comprising of social to adventurous activities.
The choice is yours! 


  • How much does membership cost?
    Membership is £15 per year
  • What is the cost of activities?
    Our programme has a range of activities from local walks to activity weekends and midweek breaks. All are priced individually with a walk costing £3 and many events under £20
  • How do I book an activity?
    As a member you can book online thro' this website which will give all the information you need - dates, times, costs, meeting place and car sharing if required.
  • Is there a maximum age limit?
    The only requirement is that you are aged 50 or over, we have a membership of up to 80 years young! We try to offer a range of activities to suit all abilities, what you do is entirely your choice.
  • Where do you meet?
    We do not have any property to meet in, meeting place is at the event.
  • I do not drive, can I still join?"
    The club offers a car share scheme (you would make a contribution to fuel). Whilst every effort would be made to get you to an event, this cannot be guaranteed as it relies on a member from your area going to the same event.
  • Where is the club based
    Our members are based mainly in Northamptonshire and surounding area.

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